Modified polymer cement-based selflevelling product with rapid hardening, for thickness from 2 to 10 mm.
Main Features -
1. Monocomponent
2. Dispersion adhesive proof
3. Indicated for applications on heated screeds
4. With thickness > 2 mm it is indicated under the action of wheeled chairs or furniture according to EN 12529
5. Modified polymer
6. EC 1 PLUS R: very low emission
7. Very smooth finish
8. Can be pumped
Substrate -
1. Concrete
2. Cement-based screeds
3. Rapid cement-based screeds
4. Screeds based on calcium sulphate (anhydrite)
Appearance -
Grey powder
8 months in dry place
Fields of use -
1. REPLAN-N is designed to fill and level the substrate before the laying of indoor ceramic, textile or flexible floors in residential and non-industrial applications.