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Plan-10 N

High-performance, ultra-quick setting selfleveling mortar used in layers 1 to 10 mm thick.

Main Features -

1. Indicated for applications on heated screeds.

2. Thickness up to 20 mm when charged with aggregates.

3. Indicated under the action of wheeled chairs or furniture according to EN 12529, thickness over 1 mm.

4. It can be pumped.

5. High hardness and resistance.

6. Low surface porosity.

7. Smooth finishing.

8. Easy to polish.

9. Modified polymer.

10. Hardening by hydration.

11. High capacity of levelling irregular surfaces.

12. It develops low tensions.

Substrate - 

1. Concrete

2. Cement-based screeds

3. Rapid cement-based screeds

4. Screeds based on calcium sulphate

5. Ceramic tiles

6. Natural stone

7. Magnesite screeds

8. Wood

9. OSB or mechanically fixed chipboard.

Appearance -

Grey powder


8 months in dry place

Fields of use -

1. PLAN-10 N is designed to fill and level the substrate before the laying of indoor ceramic, textile, flexible or wooden floors in residential and non-industrial applications.

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