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High-performance, ultra-quick setting selfleveling mortar used in layers 2 to 10 mm thick.

Main Features -

1. Monocomponent

2. High mechanical strength

3. Optimum bonding capacity

4. Ultra-fast setting

5. Layers up to 10 mm thick

6. Very smooth surface

7. Can be pumped

Substrate - 

1. Cement-based screeds

2. Quick-setting screeds

3. Concrete

4. Floors in PVC

5. Linoleum

6. Vinyl materials

7. Anhydrite screeds

8. Old ceramic or marble floors

9. Water or electric heating screeds

Appearance -

Reddish powder


8 months in dry place

Fields of use -

1. Leveling indoor floors in layers 2 to 10 mm thick before fixing floor cladding in moderately, or heavily trafficked new or renovated places with UPEC P2 and P3 classifications.

Al Taneeb Trading Co. Logo


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